Salon Pernod & Rainer Huppenbauer
„Bukowski - a musical reading“
Thursday 21.10.2021, 7.30 p.m., Objekt 5
pre-sale: coming soon
What do Charles Bukowski, Barack Obama, Eric Burdon, Van Morrison and Walter Ulbricht have in common? Nothing, you will say, and basically that's true. But only basically. In reality, as the author of this story has found out, there is a connection between these and other people in the literary work of, let's say, author of the century in very many nuances. For one thing, they are all men who, as is well known, the hero of the play did not care much about. Unless they were jockeys. On the other hand, Bukowski did not know any of the men mentioned personally. And yet there is a lot that connects them, which is revealed to humanity for the first time in this piece, garnished with insights from Bukowski. And because the hero came to prominence at a time when popular music still had qualities, this music is appropriately honored. Thomas Wittenbecher accordion and Patrick Zörner guitar can read sheet music, took on this music and turned musical ideas into a wonderful, unplugged experience that is worth listening to. Speaker and singer is Rainer Huppenbauer - an avowed wine philosopher who believes to understand the world.
Objekt 5 | Seebener Str. 5 | 06114 Halle